The first Progress Meeting
We were delighted to welcome friends of Alpha Omega WPS Foundation to our first progress meeting on Saturday 2nd July.
Speakers included local councillors and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, who came together to discuss women’s security in the local community.
Amaka and Ken Lawton with speakers at the event.
Our speakers shared actions and initiatives that they are involved in through their work, that are designed to protect women in our community.
We also discussed the progress that has been made in relation to the issues discussed at our first town hall meeting back in April. Measures we have invested in to tackle these issues include free self-defence classes for women & girls, and night buses offering women safe passage home following nights out in our local towns.
Alpha Omega Securities Ltd will also be arranging for marshals to operate in Crewe and Nantwich town centres. The marshals will initially be available for a month on Friday & Saturday nights from midnight until 5am, and we hope to secure funding to roll out this initiative on an ongoing basis.
Amaka Lawton speaking at the event.
Our goal is to ensure that women and girls in our local community feel as secure as possible while going about their everyday lives.
We hope that the women and girls who are taking part in our self-defence training with martial arts experts will come away with increased feelings of confidence in defending themselves, should the need ever arise. Meanwhile, our night bus and marshals initiatives are intended to protect women from drunken behaviour late at night at taxi ranks in Crewe and Nantwich.
The event featured a number of speakers who shared information about
initiatives designed to protect women & girls in our local communities.
We also heard from Cheshire Police, who were delighted to share information about a new piece of software they have recently implemented. GoodSAM is a piece of software that can help locate an individual who feels they are in danger and allow them to live stream the incident from their phone. We hope that this software will encourage women to feel a sense of security, and to feel more in control should they ever find themselves in a situation where they feel unsafe.
In addition, Cheshire Police are also encouraging local establishments to join the Pubwatch scheme to provide a safe and responsible drinking environment for all, and promote women’s safety and security within the nightlife industry.
We were delighted at the turnout & constructive discussions that our first progress meeting featured, a big thank you to everyone who joined us – we can’t wait to welcome you all back soon!