#WhereAreYourFriends Campaign

#WhereAreYourFriends Campaign
Posted on 29.03.23
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#WhereAreYourFriends Campaign


Buddying up and looking after each other when you’re out partying is super important.

Stick together as much as possible and help each other stay away from risky situations.

We party together = we stay together

Arrange to stay close to friends you trust. Ask your friends to look out for you and let them know you will do the same for them.

Plan ahead & Have a Plan B!

Work out how you’re going to get home – have some money for a taxi, arrange for someone to pick you up, or make sure that someone is the designated driver.

Have a fully charged phone and a back-up plan (arrange a meeting point) to ensure you leave the party together.

Know Your Limits!

If you are going to drink alcohol, drink in moderation. Decide on your limit and stick to it. Don’t let peer pressure sway you into doing anything you don’t want to do. It’s okay to say no.

Anti Drink Spiking Stopper – Use it! Don’t Leave Your Drinks Unattended

Don’t take your eyes off your drink. Keep it with you, or get a new one if you have to leave it unattended. Don’t accept drinks from other people.

Ask for Angela!

If you feel unsafe, vulnerable or threatened, you can discreetly seek help by approaching venue staff and asking them for ‘Angela’.

This code-phrase will indicate to staff that you require help with your situation and a trained member of staff will then look to support and assist you.

Copyright 2022 Alpha Omega WPS Foundation